Archive for March, 2013

Dates, Workshops and Lovely Knitters

March 11, 2013

Well where has the time gone? It’s nearly Easter and we are already thinking about term dates for the rest of the year.

We end this term on March 28th and start back again on April 11th (i.e. no meeting on April 4th).

The summer term will run from April 11th to July 25th BUT there will be no meeting on May 2nd as the hall will be used as a polling station and half-term will be on May 30th.

 The Christmas term (yes, Christmas!!) will probably start on September 5th but we will confirm that nearer the time.

I just wanted to list the ideas we have had for workshop -please get in touch if you see anything you fancy.


  • We will probably run the Beaded Shawlette one again so if you know anyone who might be interested let them know.

Other ideas

  • A pair of gloves made to measure i.e. using the exact measurements you’re your hand/fingers knit a pair of gloves to fit or make some for a friend/family member.
  • Estonian Lace – probably a scarf but using Estonian stitches including nupps and a 2 ply yarn (next step on from the beaded shawlette?). Might even include a bead or two!
  • Socks – an introduction to knitting in the round. Can include cables/lace etc.
  • Mountmellick Embroidery (Irish embroidery, normally white on white) – for something completely different but does include a knitted fringe!

Mountmellick Work 3

  • Hardanger – different to cross stitch and can include ribbon work

hardanger heart & ribbon roses

These are just ideas and no dates have been set etc. – if you have any ideas let us know. If you are vaguely interested in any of the workshops please let us know.

As you know I have an online-store selling Manos & Artesano Yarns and Brittany Birch Needles (not bamboo). If you have a computer you can view everything at and see the special offers and discounts.

Finally I just had to add some recent pictures. Eileen is our oldest member and is very proud of the lovely red cardigan she has made.

Eileen in her red cardigan Mar 2013

Agnes helped to put it together for her and is seen here wearing her latest shawlette having attended the Beaded Lace Shawlette Workshop last November.

Agnes in her shawl

Agnes (a former midwife) helped Chris knit some breasts to teach women about breast feeding. Good aren’t they! Not sure about the colours though!

Chris & Agnes and theri breasts for teaching breastfeeding to  Mums!